LISTEN HERE EPISODE SUMMARY Paul Adams discusses financial philosophy on this episode. What would it mean to you to keep all your financial promises? So many people make promises to the people they love. They promise they’ll get a bigger house. They promise they’ll send their children to college. But few of them actually do the math to find …
Podcast Episode 31: Entrepreneurs are Endangering Themselves
LISTEN HERE EPISODE SUMMARY Paul Adams brings you another insightful podcast episode today and talks directly to entrepreneurs or small business owners pouring their heart and soul into their businesses. Are you an entrepreneur? Then you definitely do not want to miss out on Paul’s wise words on how to diversify your personal balance sheet for a long and …
Podcast Episode 30: Why Paul Menig Doesn’t Want to Buy Your Business
LISTEN HERE EPISODE SUMMARY Paul Menig is the Founder and CEO of Tech-I-M, a company that strives to achieve faster and more profitable growth. What are some of the ways you can increase the value of your business and make it an easier sell in the future? What kind of figures should you be looking at when trying to …
Podcast Episode 29: Passing on Legacy Assets
LISTEN HERE EPISODE SUMMARY Dennis Brislawn is an estate and gift tax planning professional, as well as an asset protection expert. Do you have a vision for an item or property that you want generations of your family to enjoy? How do you prevent your children, or even grandchildren, from fighting over possessions after you’ve passed away? Dennis offers some …
Podcast Episode 28: Cultivate Contentment Today Part 2
LISTEN HERE EPISODE SUMMARY Paul continues his discussion on how to cultivate contentment in today’s podcast. Be sure to listen to episode 27, to get filled in on why you maybe shouldn’t purchase that dream car or yacht. Paul stresses the importance of the lifestyle you want vs. the lifestyle you can afford. What are the minimum requirements to …
Podcast Episode 27: How to Cultivate Contentment Today
LISTEN HERE EPISODE SUMMARY On this episode, Paul discusses why you need to cultivate a contentment strategy. It can be easy to get caught up in ‘acquiring stuff’, but the reality is, do you want to take care of and maintain ‘stuff’ all of your life? For many people, the answer is no. Paul Adams encourages the listeners to …
Podcast Episode 26: Why Cashflow Beats Rate of Return
LISTEN HERE EPISODE SUMMARY Paul Adams dives into a more complex topic this week and talks about the differences between cashflow and rate of return. This podcast episode involves video to help the audience better understand these concepts. Paul shows what the ‘living balance sheet’ looks like and how it can be applied to your specific scenario. Investment firms …
Podcast Episode 25: The Fallacy of the 4%
LISTEN HERE EPISODE SUMMARY Paul Adams joins us again on this episode to discuss why you should only take out a max of 4% on your portfolio each year and why there is a huge fallacy in the 4% equation that people often miss. Are you getting ready to retire or looking to retire early? Then this is a …
Podcast Episode 24: The Differences Between Loss Tolerance and Risk Tolerance
LISTEN HERE EPISODE SUMMARY Paul Adams explains the key differences between a loss tolerance mindset vs. a risk tolerance mindset. He shares a couple of examples throughout history of how thinking of your investment portfolio from a risk tolerance perspective can be deadly to your financial future when the market turns south. Instead, he says, frame your thoughts from …
Podcast Episode 23: Common Problems Tech Executives Face When Trying to Secure Their Financial Future
LISTEN HERE EPISODE SUMMARY Ryan Burklo is a member and guest blogger for the Washington Technology Industry Association as well as a registered representative and financial advisor for Park Avenue Securities. Today Ryan discusses with Paul how tech executives can secure their wealth and protect their finances. Ryan and Paul have both seen complexities in the finances of those …