Three Money Mistakes No One Talks About & SIX Ways to Solve Them
by Paul Adams

by Cory Shepherd
When people find out that I’m a financial advisor, they often say something like, “oh, you must be great with numbers.” While I have indeed developed a practiced set of skills around certain kinds of calculations, I always thought that comment missed an important point: Money is not actually math. Money is math and human behavior mashed together. Albert Einstein is often credited with identifying compound interest as a great miracle, but that is a misattribution. Einstein was actually talking about numbers compounding in a vacuum, like space, not our retirement accounts. When we add our hopes, dreams, and emotionally motivated behaviors to the vacuum, the miraculous quickly becomes mundane. Left to our own devices, few of us can manage our behavior effectively enough to let our money compound indefinitely.
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We begin by sharing our financial philosophy and explain how it can enable you to make more sound financial decisions. Our commitment is to leave you with a valuable new way of thinking about your own financial strategy, regardless of whether or not you engage our firm.
Next, we review the data you provide to help you design a clear picture of both your current and ideal financial positions, including current opportunities and obstacles you are facing. We then discover together exactly how you arrived where you are. That information provides a valuable instrument as we chart a course toward your new vision of prosperity.
Next we focus on your basic goals and assess your current situation. This shows you how your financial position can be reinforced to protect you and your family against events that are beyond your control. Then we focus on developing your strategy, comparing and contrasting various financial options. This identifies potential outcomes that best align with both your short and long-term goals.
Once we settle on your preferred strategies, we establish the systems and structures necessary to consistently bring your vision closer to reality. We have now entered into a powerful ongoing conversation about wealth and your future.
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by Paul Adams
People, as a rule, will work hard within cultural common sense and just assume that all will go well. But, “right now, 90 million Americans are faced with the most critical investment challenges of their lives.” They are not prepared and are unsure how they will support themselves when they retire. That cultural common sense must not be working.
Financial advisors are taught to advise the majority of people. The median household income in this country is $46,000 a year. Financial institutions are organized around acquiring the masses as clients. The clients of Sound Financial Group are the top 10% households as defined by annual income and net worth. We are committed to building a firm that will help our clients in areas that matter to them most.
Many of our clients have questions like:
- Am I making the best use of the dollars I am saving?
- Will I be able to retire and be okay given I may live 25-30 years in retirement?
- Am I exposed to losing a great deal of my wealth or income if I were to be sued?
- When I leave this earth what kind of impact will I leave behind?
by Cory Shepherd
Do you know someone who seems to have superhuman powers? The kind of person who accomplishes so much in a day, they must have the use of a time machine. The kind of person who is annoyingly successful at whatever they do.
What if those people were not born with special powers, what if they just practice a set of philosophies and strategies that are available to anyone.
- Are you seeking to make a greater contribution at work?
- Do you desire deeper relationships with friends, family, or spouse?
- Is there fear holding you back from exploring a new path in life?
Cape Not Required is a road map of personal practices and strategies to help anyone access the full range of possibilities in their life.